Awards and Press Reports
Im Byoung Cho Fellowship Award, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Korea Geotechnical Society (KGS), March 21, 2024.
Best Paper Award, June-Ho Park, Jinwoo Kim, Gyeol Han, and Tae-Hyuk Kwon (2024) "Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Granite during Thermo-mechanical Cyclic Loading: Implication to Underground Hydrogen Storage", KGS Spring National Conference 2024, March 21-22, 2024, Jeju, Korea. [PDF]
2024 KAIST Global Excellence Laboratory, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, KAIST, February 14, 2024.
Young member of Korea Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST) elected for Years 2024–2026, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Korea Academy of Science and Technology, December 13, 2023.
Best Paper Award, Shin-Kyu Choi, and Tae-Hyuk Kwon (2023) "Safety management of landslide disasters using satellites and UAV", 2023년 재난안전분야 국민참여 논문 공모전에서 대상으로 행정안전부, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, December 6, 2023. [PDF]
2023 Commendation, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Minister of Science and ICT (MSIT), April 21, 2023.
2021 Commendation, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Minister of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MoTIE), November 19, 2021.
Outstanding English Language Thesis in Korea, Yoon-Ah Kim, (Advisor: Tae-Hyuk Kwon) (2021) "Investigation of dynamic behaviour of slopes during earthquake using centrifuge tests", ICE-KSCE Master's Thesis Award, July 15, 2021. [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Kim, Y.A., Lee, H.I., Ko, K.W., Kim, D.S., and Tae-Hyuk Kwon (2021) "Investigation of amplification characteristics in a slope during earthquakes using centrifuge tests", KGS Spring National Conference 2021, March 18-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea. [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Joo, H.W., Baek, S.H., Kwon, T.H., Han, J.T., Lee, J.H., and Yoo, W.K. (2021) "Two-dimensional physical modeling of effect of overburden stress on bulb shapes of horizontal compaction grouting", KGS Spring National Conference 2021, March 18-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea. [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Soo-Min Ham, and Tae-Hyuk Kwon (2021) "Grain-scale tensile and shear strength tests of glass beads cemented by microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP)", KGS Spring National Conference 2021, March 18-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea. [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Ryan Ramirez, Shin-Kyu Choi, and Tae-Hyuk Kwon (2021) "Monitoring of landslides using Sentinel-1 advanced radar interferometry", KGS Spring National Conference 2021, March 18-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea. [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Park, J.H., Noh, D.H., Kim, J.S., Hong, C.H., and Kwon, T.H. (2021) "Effects of failure modes on acoustic emission characteristics of concrete specimens", KGS Spring National Conference 2021, March 18-19, 2021, Seoul, Korea. [PDF]
Excellent Paper Award, Hyun-Woo Joo, June-Ho Park, Gyu-Won Kim, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "Effect of Grout Injection Depth in Grout Bulb Shape in Compaction Grouting System", Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) Convention, Jeju, Korea, 2020. [PDF]
Grand Prize, Shin-Kyu Choi, Ryan Ramirez, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "Advanced Geomorphological Survey Method using UAV-LiDAR System for Landslide Analysis", Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) Convention Drone Image Challenge for Civil Infrastructures (Student Category), Jeju, Korea, 2020. [Link] [PDF]
Best Presenter Award, Min-Kyung Jeon, Amin Hosseini Zadeh, Seunghee Kim, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "Development of Hydro-mechanically Coupled Pore Network Model", The 32nd KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, 2019. [PDF]
2018 Excellent lecture award, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (KAIST). May 2019.
Best Paper Award, Taehyung Park, Min-Kyung Jeon, Jongwon Jung, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, “Modification of interfacial tension and contact angle of supercritical CO2 by biosurfactant producing bacteria: Implications to Geologic Carbon Storage”, Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) 2019 Conference, Managing the Science and Technology Center, Seoul, Korea, 2019. [PDF]
Student Poster Competition 2nd place, Soo-Min Ham "Coupled CFD-DEM Simulation of Soil Erosion in Impinging Jet Test", 2017 CESTiCC Summer Workshop, Pullman, Washington, 2017. [PDF]
Best Oral Presenter Award, Shin-Kyu Choi "Numerical Simulation of Debris Flows affected by Barrier Locations and Arrangements, 2016 International Conference on Landslide and Debris Flow disaster, Seoul, Korea, 2016 [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Soo-Min Ham, Dong-Hwa Noh, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Ilhan Chang, and Moon-Kyung Chung, “Experimental Study of Soil Resistance Increment Caused by Microbial Biopolymer”, Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) 2016 Conference, Managing the Science and Technology Center, Seoul, Korea, 2016. [PDF]
Best Paper Award, Soo-Min Ham, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, Ilhan Chang, and Dong-Hwa Noh, “Monitoring of Soil Erosion in SRICOS-EFA method using acoustic wave reflection method”, Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) 2015 Conference, Managing the Science and Technology Center, Seoul, Korea, 2015.[PDF]
Best Paper Award, Dong-Hwa Noh and Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "Seismic Monitoring of Permeability Reduction Caused by Bacterial Biopolymer Accumulation", Korean Geotechnical Society (KGS) 2015 Conference, Managing the Science and Technology Center, Seoul, Korea, 2014. [PDF]
Press Reports
Jee-Hwan Ryu, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "RootBot: Root-inspired soft-growing robot for high-curvature directional excavation", KAIST Breakthroughs, Spring 2024. [Link]
Tae-Hyuk, "과기한림원, 최범준 포항공대 교수 등 차세대 회원 24명 선출", 연합뉴스, 12. 11. 2023. [Link]
Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "양용수 물리학과 교수, 권태혁 건설및환경공학과 교수 제56회 과학의날 기념 과기부 장관표창 수상", KAIST News, 4. 21. 2023. [Link]
Ryan A. Ramirez, Tae-Hyuk Kwon "Satellite-based monitoring technique for urban ground deformation and geohazards", KAIST Breakthroughs Spring 2023. [Link]
Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "터널공사 우리 기술로!...굴착장비 국산화 성공", YTN News, 7. 9. 2019. [Link]
Taehyung Park, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "Promotion of gas hydrate nucleation in clay-rich sediments", KAIST Breakthroughs, Spring 2019. [PDF]
Research of Year 2018, Taehyung Park, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "KAIST identified the formation mechanism of “burning ice” in oceanic clay rich sediment", KAIST Times (No. 456). [PDF]
Taehyung Park, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "KAIST, 차세대 에너지 '하이드레이트' 생성원리 규명" 연합뉴스, 3. 5. 2018. [Link]
Taehyung Park, Tae-Hyuk Kwon, "박태형 박사과정, 권태혁 교수, 해저 점토질에서 불타는 얼음 생성원리 규명", KAIST News, 3. 5. 2018. [Link]